Mother and Child

Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood

Creating new life and the continuous demands of motherhood are a haul on your bodies resources. Treatments are nurturing, supportive and corrective. We are experienced in addressing pregnancy related issues such as morning sickness, heart burn, itching, sinusitis, anaemia, carpal tunnel, rib or pubic symphysis pain, oedema, anxiety/depression/stress, fatigue, delayed labour, and post-partum recovery.

Acupuncture during the 3rd trimester helps to prepare your body for birthing and move you into spontaneous, natural labour which research has found reduces the likelihood of further medical interference. We recommend weekly pre-birth sessions for new mums, from 36 weeks.

Upon my birth my mother said there is god in you can you feel her dancing.

Rupi Kaur

For breech presentations moxibustion (herbal heat therapy) on a specific body point is used from the 34th week. This helps stimulates foetal activity and encourages movement to a new position.

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