Father and Daughter


At times, we all lose track. We feel tired, lack lustre or ‘stuck’, maybe we keep getting sick. Well-being is like having a full tank of energy and some in reserve so you’ve enough resources to meet challenges and adapt. At ReOrient, we not only prescribe tonic herbs to boost vitality, but we also take a closer look at your daily habits and how they may be hindering your ability to achieve your health goals.

Chinese medicine places an importance on disease prevention through mindful living and timely treatment. We describe the main causes of disease as being:

  • Imbalanced emotions
  • Lifestyle balance
  • Seasonal or environmental influences
  • Improper treatment

We balance them by:

  • Cultivating inner peace & compassion
  • Eating & sleeping well, exercise, a balance of work & play
  • Healthy immune function, living in sync with nature
  • Appropriate and timely health care

Walk a hundred paces after a meal and one can live ninety-nine years.

Chinese saying

Traditional Chinese medicine is rooted in a deep understanding of the natural world—its cycles, rhythms, and interconnectedness. This holistic perspective shapes our approach to health, seeing illness not just as a local symptom but as part of a larger system—your body, mind, and the environment you live in. Our advice often centres on moderation, health cultivation, and timely interventions when symptoms first begin – before a disease is established. Prevention is better than cure.

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