The use of fire cups to draw tension up and out of surface muscles is a tradition found in many ancient cultures through Europe and across Asia.
Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think.
Chinese proverb
Cupping increases circulation and relieves pain in tight, stressed and even weak muscles that have become dysfunctional or sore. This can be caused by inactivity, over-use, excessive holding (stress/trauma) and injury.
When we invigorate qi and blood circulation it encourages healing of the underlying tissues. The colour and temperature of the skin after cupping varies widely and tells us about the circulatory condition of the tissues. Cupping is not painful rather, it feels liberating and can be used in combination with acupuncture or shiatsu.
Gua sha (pronounced ‘gwa sha’)
Gua sha or ‘spooning’ uses friction to quickly move stagnant energy in the skin and muscles. The swift, sweeping action of Gua sha breaks down knots and opens up the flow of qi through the area. It is commonly used on the neck, shoulder, back and chest to relieve tension, ease chest congestion and improve the repair of tissue scarred by surgery or injury.
Both cupping and spooning can induce temporary marks on the skin where the stagnant blood and body fluids have coalesced.
Moxibustion is a pleasant warming technique using a revered herb – Folium Artemesia argyi. This treatment mobilizes qi and blood circulation through the muscles and joints. It can be useful for cold type arthritic pain, period pain, muscle injury, post-partum pain & post-surgical pain.
Moxibustion is often brought into well-being treatments when the immune and digestive systems are weak. Our bodies require a degree of warmth to metabolise and function well, and moxibustion facilitates this type activity.

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