

With a history spanning over 2,000 years, acupuncture involves the precise insertion of ultra-fine needles to stimulate the flow of Qi (energy) through the body. If you’re unfamiliar to the concept of Qi, think of it as a refined, dynamic communication system that acts as a catalyst for change—similar to how the nervous system regulates bodily functions. While researchers continue to explain the exact scientific mechanisms behind acupuncture’s biological effects, it has been recognized by the World Health Organization as an effective treatment for a wide range of acute symptoms and effective support for many chronic conditions.

Acupuncture helps restore equilibrium, induces relaxation and repair while alleviating pain. The redirection of Qi energy, blood flow, and the flow on effects to neural, chemical and hormonal systems restores the optimal functions of the body. It works in a gentle but effective way to support and create an environment that allows your body to naturally heal itself, without synthetic drugs or surgery.

An acupuncture treatment is tailored specifically for you, based on the Chinese Medicine pattern determined by your signs and symptoms. We will work to build on the health in your body and address the root cause of the illness.

Learn more in our FAQ section.

When we try to pick anything out by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe

John Muir

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